What is a neurologist?

A neurologist is a medical doctor who specialises in treating diseases of the nervous system. The nervous system is made of two parts: the central and peripheral nervous system. It includes the brain and spinal cord. Neurological practice relies heavily on the field of neuroscience, the scientific study of the nervous system.

Symptoms that commonly require a neurologist include:

coordination problems

muscle weakness

a change in sensation



People who are having problems with their senses, such as touch, vision, or smell, may also need to see a neurologist. Problems with senses are sometimes caused by nervous system disorders. Neurologists also see patients with: seizure disorders, such as epilepsy,

Stroke, multiple sclerosis, intramuscular disorders, such as myasthenia gravis, infections of the nervous system, including encephalitis, meningitis, or brain abscesses and……..

age of neurological diseases:

This is one reason you are more likely to suffer from a neurological problem after the age of 65. Some of the more common neurological disorders that affect seniors include strokes, neuropati, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease: Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behaviour. Symptoms eventually grow severe enough to interfere with daily tasks.

Parkinson’s disease: a chronic and progressive movement disorder, Parkinson’s disease involves the malfunction and death of vital nerve cells in the brain.

Can neurological disorders be prevented?

While epilepsy, brain tumours and other brain disorders are typically not preventable, there are some neurological problems that you can take action against.

Top 10 foods for brain and nervous system: Green leafy vegetables, Fish, Dark chocolate, Broccoli, Eggs, Avocados, Almonds

Foods to Avoid for Optimal Brain Health:

Simple Carbohydrates, Sugar , Certain Fats

Neurological Problem Treatment Program Options:

What Causes Neurological Issues?

Fundamentally, a neurological disorder is any affliction arising from, or causing dysfunction to, the brain and nervous system of an individual. Given the obvious complexity of the system affected, it would be impossible to briefly summarize all the things that can go wrong with it. Indeed, according to University of California, San Francisco, over 600 known disorders of the nervous system exist, which is why an entire class of medical specialists, known as neurologists, work to diagnose and – hopefully – treat such disorders

Therapies for neurological disorders may often consist of:

Lifestyle changes to either prevent or minimise the impact of such conditions

Physiotherapy to manage the symptoms and restore some function

Pain management, as many impairments can be associated with considerable discomfort

Medication to either restore function or prevent a worsening of the patient’s condition.

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